In conjunction with the Golden Bay Museum and The School Partnership Program, Ray White Golden Bay coordinated a colouring in and story writing competition aimed at all primary aged children.
Each school had a presentation led by local whale enthusiast Alan McLean and Kate Sawyer and encouraged all children to enter with a gold coin donation which goes directly to the Museum to assist the build of the new exhibition. More importantly it ignited a sense of wonder and excitement in the children and gave them ownership for this new project.
All entries were read and considered by the Museum board for the grand prize of an IPad Mini. Age ranged mini art supply prize winners were also chosen, which were donated to us by a new resident to the Bay with connections to the French Art Shop in Wellington.
We were blown away by all the entries, especially the stories that the kids wrote. The over all winner had spent a lot of time in the holidays researching facts and information on whales. He was very happy to receive his prize much to the delight and support from his peers.
Well done to all the children involved.